...If thou shalt confession with thy mouth the lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation
[Romans 10:9-10}
The word ''confess'' in the scripture above means ''to speak the same things in consent with God.''It derives from the Greek word ''Homologia'' which means speaking the same things in consent. That means you're saying the same in agreement with God; you're saying what God has said. That's true confession. It has nothing to do with confessing all your sins to God as some people think.
The Bible says, ''...if thou shall confess with thy mouth the lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.''That's the principle for salvaltion. This is not just talking about being saved from sins or the devil. It includes being saved from all the negative influences and circumstances of life.
So when you say Jesus is lord over your life!'' you're also saying'' He's Lord over your money, therefore, you can not be broke in your life!'' You're saying'' He's Lord over your body, therefore, you will never be sick or diseased!'' You're also declaring'' He is your Shepherd, therefore, you will not lack!'' Youspeakingthe same thing with God. You're saying what God has said! That's true confession.
Learn to declare with your mouth the same things God has said concerning you in His Word. No wonder the Bible says, ''...He hath said...so that we might boldly say...'' }{Hebrew 13:5-6}. Create the habit of studying and laerning God's Word, for that's how you will know what God has said about you,and then speak accordingly. Remember, what you say is what you get; therefore, speak the Word only, say what God has said concerning you in His Word! That's faith principle that guarantees a day-to-day life of sucess,victory and progress.
This is the true confession that can change a man's life for good.
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