John 3:16 For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life
The love of God is the greatest power in the universe and it takes the Holy Spirit to put it in our heart. The kind of love I'm talking about is not a mother's love for her children. That's human love and human love is limited. God's love is true and boundless, and that's where the power is.
As Christians, we are called into that love the moment we gave our lives to Christ, and that love is shared abroad in out heart by the Holy Ghost. Our responsibility is to be conscious of it and work in it. When people see that love demonstrated through you, it has a potent effect on their lives and demons can't stand it, they check out immediately.
It reminds me of an old song we sing sometime:
"Let the world see Heaven in your eyes
Show them love they can't deny,
Let the world see Heaven in your eyes,
Heaven in your eyes."
God saved mankind by demonstrating His love by sending His son Jesus to die for them. Hitherto, as seen in the Old Testament, He had introduced the Law of Moses, but the people couldn’t keep it.
The love of God transformed a previously furious personality as Saul of Tarsus, into Paul the greatest Apostle to the Gentiles- one of the greatest Apostle ever known. That same love -power is potent enough to transform anybody -be it your aggressive in-law, your cooperative brothers, or Sister, Your nagging boss, etc. Show them love by hearing their voices differently and view their actions and motives differently. YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID AT THE END OF THE DAY.
Scripture to read: 1Corinthians 13:13; Ephesians 3:17-19
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