Now therefore ye are more strangers and foreigners, but fellow –citizen with the saints, and of the household of God. (Ephesians 2:19).
Some people erroneously think you can only be a saint after death and only if you’re promoted then to sainthood. In Psalm 16:3 the Bible talks about saints who are the in earth: “but to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight.’’ The Apostle Paul in this epistles to the Church addressed the believers as saints, that’s because every born again child of God is a saint of God. You might want to ask. “Am I truly a saint, in spite of all the wrong things I do sometimes?” Emphatically yes!
A saint doesn’t mean someone who hasn’t done anything wrong, or someone who’s perfect. The Bible talks about the perfecting of the saints; And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and, some, evangelist; and some pastors and some, teachers; for the perfecting of the saints…” (Ephesians4;11-12). Now, if the saints were already perfect, they wouldn’t need perfecting. The reason God gave ministry gifts of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to the church is for the perfecting of the saints. Thus saints are not those who are already perfect.
Scripturally speaking, ‘saints’ means holy or consecrated ones. Therefore, as a saint of God, you’re holy and consecrated unto the lord; you’re set apart for God’s glory and His divine purpose. You’re set apart for success, victory, prosperity, peace, progress and divine health, Take some time to meditate on this truth today, that you’re a saint in God’s kingdom of light; not when you get to heaven, but here in the earth. Therefore live as one by living in the Word.
Further Study: Romans 1:7; Corinthians 1:2
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