Thursday, April 16, 2009


Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water;but a man of understanding will draw it out"(Proverb20:5)
So many people spend years trying to find so-called treasure to better their lot. And it seems to always elude them every time, just about the time they thought they were about to get it.

I would to God that every Christian would realize that they aren't going to get something from anywhere, because God has already given them everything they'll ever need. That thing you've always wanted is in you. So you see,you don't have to look around you. rather look inwards. You're a treasure and your heart is the treasure box. If someone gave you a box of treasure and riches, You wouldn't just keep the box somewhere polishing it everyday. Rather, you'll immediately open it to dig out the treasures in there. But many Christians cry everyday for the treasures that God has kept in the treasure box He gave them. How sad! All you need to do is to know how to dig inside your treasure box and pull out whatever yu need. "How do i do that?" you ask.

Well. it's by discorvering who you are in Christ! so many Christians are sick, financially crippled and have unstable relationships with their spouses because they don't understand what i'm sharing with you today. I love to teach the Word of God because I know that if I can get people to see what I see, their lives will be transformed in a moment.

All the money you'll ever need, the cars you'll own, the houses you'll live in, the person you'll marry - everythnig, is all inside of you. God has done everything He needed to do, the rest is up to you.there's only one way to find out what God has kept in the treasure box of your heart and that's thruogh His word. Look into the mirror of God,which is His word and simply agree with what He says you are, and believe that you have what He says you have, then you will be functioning in the realm of God and watch how you life will be transform...the word of God work!

Scriptural reading: 2peter 1:3;

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Spiritual Development: COMPASSION

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