Thursday, March 5, 2009



(Josual1v8 Psalm 1v2-3, 1Timothy4v15-16)

Meditation means to ponder,think deeply or roar on something.
As a child of God, you must take quality time to meditate on God's word daily, as you do, you will receive revelation knowledge of how to make your way prosperous and be a success in life.
When you ponder on the word long enough, it will change your mindset and give you the right words because the Bible says out of the abundant of the heart the mouth speaks, matt. 12v34.

The apostle Paul admonished on what to think on in Phil.4v8, "whatsoever is true,pure,lovely and of good report are the ingredients of God's word which you must allow to dwell from the bases of you thought so that the result can be evident for all to see.I remember when my brother called me on phone that his wife could not get pregnant after some years in marriage and they have gone through series of medical examinations. but to no avail. I gave her some scriptures to ponder upon and for her to confessed to herself and family continually.After a couple of days she went back to her doctor for a check up and the result was positive.Right now, she's carrying her twin babies, glory to God , the word works...

Meditating on the word makes you recognize who you are in Christ and what you have in Him. Meditation is what bring out of your mouth the word of God you have stored in your spirit, it unveil the power of God's word in your life and causes it to produce the desire results. If you have unpleasant situation that you will like to change, just get to the word of God that dealt on that issue and meditate on that scripture and say it to the situation, act as if you have received it and testify about your miracle,before long that circumstance will give way to God's word and you will have a miracle.

The word of God has the ability to produce in you the things it talks about and the capability to build you up and give you an inheritance.Act 20 v32.

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